With Optional Side Support, Walker Support, and Seated Versions
For personal practice, tai chi instructors, and health professionals.
Tai Chi Fundamentals Adapted Program (TCFA), simplified from the Original Tai Chi Fundamentals Program, is designed to make tai chi accessible to people of all ages and abilities and features three versions: Optional Side Support with a chair next to you for balance when needed, Walker Support, and Seated. Ideal for both personal and professional use, movement is taught in a simple-to-complex progression and can be modified to accommodate your needs.
To become a Course Leader for the evidence-based Tai Chi Prime classes, first, get certified in TCFA as a prerequisite for attending the Tai Chi Prime Leader Training. Then, you will be qualified to teach the Tai Chi Prime 6-week course.
Check out the new, comprehensive Tai Chi Fundamentals Adapted Program book, which includes all three versions, and DVDs for each version. Start now and enjoy its benefits for a lifetime.
Introduction to Tai Chi Fundamentals® Adapted Program DVDs
“I am very happy that Tricia’s dedication to making the profound art of Tai Chi accessible to many people is now available in her new Tai Chi Fundamentals Adapted Program.” Tai Chi Grandmaster William C. C. Chen, Author, Body Mechanics of Tai Chi Ch’uan
Tricia Yu’s earlier landmark Tai Chi Fundamentals Program was instrumental in catalyzing the integration of tai chi practice and principles into physical therapy and rehabilitation programs worldwide… [Tai Chi Fundamentals Adapted Program] is destined to become another widely used landmark program.—Peter Wayne, PhD, Research Director, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Author, The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi
TCFA Optional Side Support Video Clips
TCFA Walker Support Video Clips
TCFA Seated Version Video Clips
Program Overview: All movement is taught in a simple-to-complex progression and you can modify anything to fit your personal needs. The program includes instruction in the following:
• Basic Moves: An 11-minute series of exercises that serve as building blocks for training tai chi movement skills and energetics. The Basic Moves benefit posture, coordination and balance and help you become calmer and more focused.
• TCF Short Form: A 4-minute, flowing Yang Style sequence simplified from the Original Tai Chi Fundamentals Form.
• Mind/Body Skills Training: Fosters attention and focus, a calm and observant state of mind, awareness of posture and breathing, and physical relaxation.
Here are examples from the book:

Learn the Tai Chi Fundamentals (TCF) Adapted Program: See Trainings; attend Course One: TCF Adapted Program Basic Moves Training Course, and Course Two: TCF Adapted Program Short Form Training Course. At each course you will receive a Certificate of Completion qualifying you to start teaching the TCF Adapted Program as a part of your learning process.
Get Certified! We recommend that you become a Certified Instructor, which includes further practice, training, demonstration of movement proficiency and written exams.
Program Applications: Wellness, balance, geriatrics, stress and pain management, PTSD, TBI, polytrauma, autoimmune diseases, women’s health, and orthopedic, neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory rehabilitation.
Taught by: Tai chi and fitness instructors, community instructors, physical and occupational therapists, activity and recreation professionals and nurses. At: Community-based wellness classes, VA settings long-term care, hospitals, sub-acute, outpatient clinics, and home care.