Development and Research
Created in 1981 at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center in Madison, Wisconsin by Diane Harlowe, MS, OTR, FAOTA and Tricia Yu, MA. Initial development, research and media were supported in part by grants from the Arthritis Foundation. Published, long-term efficacy studies have demonstrated its therapeutic effects.

Featured in dozens of publications including: Prevention, Arthritis Today,
Health, Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, Advance for Physical Therapists, Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Massage and Bodywork, Arthritis Foundation’s Your Personal Guide to Living Well with Fibromyalgia, and The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Body-Mind Disciplines. The ROM Dance® manual has been translated into Korean.
Audio Visual Instructional Materials
ROM Dance: A Range of Motion Exercise and Relaxation Program professional text, (translated into Korean). ROM Dance: A Range of Motion Exercise and Relaxation Program: Sunlight, Moonlight and Seated Versions instructional DVD.
Conference Presentations and Professional Trainings:
Presented at Arthritis Foundation’s Annual Scientific Meeting 1981 and a number of other Occupational Therapy and Arthritis Foundation meetings in the 1980’s and 90’s. Professional training and certification courses held nationally 1980’s and 90’s.
Rehabilitation settings, hospitals, assisted living, long-term care, home care, senior centers, outpatient clinics, and community classes. It was included as an intervention in the “Well Elderly Study Occupational Therapy Program” and is a protocol in the Canadian health system’s
Chronic Pain Self-Management Program.